Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » It's not fair!

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Thread started by Phlegm New Messages  

2002-09-11 01:40:26  -  It's not fair!
Great. I'm not working today, I can either spend the day playing DAOC or doing something fun outside. Only problem is my left eye has gone all inflamed and bloodshot and hurts like hell if you expose it to light. I can just about bear to look at a monitor now, but playing DAOC isn't on the cards. :(
Phlegm the Healer
Shouting "Who broke mez?" in a fight near you

2002-09-11 06:44:55  -  Re: It's not fair!
Hmm, that sucks.. How did that happen?

2002-09-11 11:34:10  -  Re: It's not fair!
Is it from playing cam to much i know i get that sometimes.

2002-09-11 11:48:53  -  Re: It's not fair!
I think I managed to get a bit of road dirt stuck between my contact lens and eyeball on the cycle home from work the other night. I've got (slightly fuzzy) vision back now, so I might be able to join y'all after I get back from work this evening.
Phlegm the Healer
Shouting "Who broke mez?" in a fight near you
Edited by Phlegm on 2002-09-11 11:49:22