Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Looking at Tri-Speccing.

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2004-09-03 10:39:13  -  Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Like the title says, i'm considering (once again) switching spec. I like the Aug and Pac lines, and i've always loved Mend. So I was fiddling around and wondered what people thought of these new gimp specs i've been looking at.

Spec1 wrote:
Mend: 43 - Final 'Major' Heal which is one of my most commenly used along with the minor baseline heal. If I read my patchnotes right it also recieves a 33% power cost reduction which is nice - 100% (and I use the term loosley) ST insta heal.
Aug: 28 - 1st tier resist buffs, enhanced celerity
Pac: 16 - mostly for PoT

Spec2 wrote:
Mend: 42 - Again, I like the idea of getting back the final Major heal, no 100% insta but its still an improvement.
Aug: 18 - Celerity1, no resists buffs though
Pac: 28 - Insta ST Stun, AE mez (gonna need some MoF when NF comes out to make it work properly though)

Spec3 wrote:
Mend: 42 - See above.
Aug: 11 - No celerity, but some minor tools to atleast help a little with soloing
Pac: 32: AE Stun, PoI, ST instas - Again, will probably need atleast MoF2 to make the pac worth it"

I dunno, i'm still playing around. But i'd like to try 42mend, even if we don't get the power reduction for a while I can make do with FoP and such ^_^

Anyway, ideas? Comments? I'm in no hurry, I don't want to spec out of 36aug until i've atleast finished lvling my Artifacts :)

Edit: Added in a third spec, the thing I hate about Pac is you really need to take an 'All or nothing' approch with it really. Still, I guess thats the most major weakness of tri-speccing, more utility, but less overall effectiveness compared to Hybrids/Pac and Aug healers.
Edited by Archeon on 2004-09-03 10:58:06

2004-09-03 14:36:24  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Can´t point muich out, since i barely played a healer...only played a gimpy lvl 24 dorf bg1 healer which mainly was pac specced. Been seeing the aug line aswell..although it only seems helpful for resists. The self buffs don´t do much good unless you wanna hunt VERY gimpy infils :-P

Mending is fun, but never seen myself as the healer with the good overview, although i try with my shammie :-P
In any case, i´d vote for spec 2 or 3 :-)
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2004-09-03 23:59:20  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
I'd say either spec 1 or spec 3. Depends abit on if you want to solo sometime with your healer or not. If you are gonna solo I'd take spec 1 because of the better buffs and selfbuff thing. If you go for pac, like you said the higher the better, spec 3.


2004-09-04 10:34:20  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Tbh atm I am leaning towards Spec3, as nice as Celerity is I do kinda miss having the ability to AE mez. Getting MoF3 would cost me a fair ammount of RPS, but would raise the level of my spells by a respectable 17levels (if i'm reading the RA CHart thingie rightly), so that would be 27+17(44) which should be enough.

A slight variation might mean dropping the 11aug to 6 and getting 43mend for the final ST insta

Spec3-VersionB wrote:
Mend: 43
Aug: 6
Pac: 32

Being realistic I wouldn't be missing out on a while lot, and I am starting to think the final ST would be worth it.

Bah! I hate being so indecicive >_<

2004-09-05 13:57:43  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Version 3b looks best to me. You got all you want in there.

2004-09-05 21:16:39  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
If you don't play RvR, but PvE, imo it doesn't really matter how you spec, just that you spec. PvE is so easy you can get away with the most crap spec you can immagine and get away with it.

If you want to RvR once in a while, I recommend you take one of the usual specs, or you'll have no chance at all.
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2004-09-16 17:35:18  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
I think i'd have a good enough chance with Spec3b, i've been checking the VNboards for info on MoF and apparently it does make a lot of difference. Ok, so i'll have to spend some extra points getting lvl3 instead of 2 - true it won't last that long, but I can count the number of times i've been mezzed for full duration on one hand really.

Atm its definatly looking like Spec3b is the one for me, i've always been more focused on the Healing side of playing a Healer than any other in any case - and if its really that terrible I can always go back to cookie-cutter 40/36 :)

2004-09-16 22:09:13  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
40 aug 36 pac? <cough> ;)

2004-09-17 01:49:30  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Good idea! Ask dalekon how to spec a healer ;p
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2004-09-17 14:21:03  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Yes, let me gimp you! :D

2004-09-21 20:45:40  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Mythic wrote:
"- In order to reward Druids, Healers, and Clerics who spec in their healing lines, we’ve lowered the casting time on the Greater Healing line of spells. These heals should now provide the highest HP per second return, making them very useful in situations where a major heal wouldn’t heal enough in time. The spell lines changed were Greater Apotheosis (Druid), Greater Emendation (Healer), and Greater Refocillation (Cleric).

- In order to make group heals more desirable to cast when 5 or more people in a group take damage, we’ve lowered the casting time on both the specline and baseline group heals. The spells affected are Heaven’s Approbation (Cleric), Angelic Approbation (Cleric and Friar), Reviving Conflux (Druids), Group Apotheosis (Druid, Warden, and Bard). Tribute of Battle (Healer), and Group Emendation (Healer and Shaman)."

Oh look, patch notes... and whats this... improved Single-Target heals... Oooohhhh...

They'll probably get nerfed a little, but i'll take the small victories where I can get them. Hurray for Greater Heal! :D

2004-09-22 08:45:31  -  Re: Looking at Tri-Speccing.
Yes arch, this is still 1.72a, if something turns out to be 2 strong, it gets raped, and otherwise: you'll have to wait 6 months till it hits europe.
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