Tiwaz's Emissaries » Hunts & Raids » ML4 prequest hunt tonight

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Thread started by Kindar New Messages 1 2

2004-09-14 08:01:33  -  Re: ML4 prequest hunt tonight
Tandgrisner (50 savage) ML3,4,5,6...
Tagden (45 hunter) ML2,3,4,5...

Dont care which one join, i got all thursday evening to game

2004-09-14 09:48:31  -  Re: ML4 prequest hunt tonight
I'm talking ML5 groupsteps :D
Only users lose drugs.


2004-09-15 07:33:45  -  Re: ML4 prequest hunt tonight
Ok but could you still post what you might need with other chars? If everyone would do that, we might have a chance of finding something everyone needed :D

2004-09-15 22:11:03  -  Re: ML4 prequest hunt tonight
Skeggi is ML3 so needs (at least some parts) of the rest. except ML8, i completed that...

/EDIT: Rawr is ML2 and needs the rest

Susanoo is ML1 and needs the rest
Only users lose drugs.

Edited by Skeggi on 2004-09-17 01:54:17
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