Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Another idea for a poss guild hunt

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Thread started by Spoke New Messages  

2002-09-04 07:37:30  -  Another idea for a poss guild hunt
this may be a bit of wishful thinking on my part, but there is one mob in Midguard i would really love to give a good slapping to... :oP

the mob in question is called 'Storm' and is located above the Hagbui house in the Swamp. It spawns at night and attacks the house. When the house is under attack from the Storm, the house also appears to change into a Mob, but unsure if its poss to attack that as well :P

Does anyone have any idea what lvl this Storm is, and are we hard enough to slap it?

Just an idea for something very Different to have a go at killing one night... all feedback on this will be very much appreciated :)

cyas all soon


2002-09-04 12:45:28  -  Re: Another idea for a poss guild hunt
I remembre it well :) after u all sent me in to meet my post ding doom :P
from what i remembre of being in the hut there was a woman (witch or somthing) also lots of small wyvern type beasts flying around in the rafters, as for the storm its self being a mob im not to sure i shot it a couple of times with my bow and got no agro, also i have looked in the beastery section of DAoC Catacombs and cant seem to find anything on the storm, cant remembre the names of the witch or the flying things.

Hope this hlps, Arak out :)
Oop's , Sry, Was that your healer?
Realy should stop using F8 in caves :P