Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Idea's for Guild Hunts

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Thread started by Spoke New Messages  

2002-09-04 07:32:27  -  Idea's for Guild Hunts
Hi all :)

i'm hoping to have a go at organising a guild event for Thursday evening, around 8pm gmt time.

the destination of this hunt will depend upon the number of people able to make it. If we can get a similar number to the lair turnout the other night, i would like to have a good stroll around Raumarik, and slap a good selection of creatures... sort of do a Lap around the map kinda thing :P

If <and big if i suspect> we could get a super uber turnout, including lots of our lvl 50 top banana hard core players to come along, we should be able to give 1 or 2 of the lower WoW's a good beating along the way :)

the alliance hunt in Raumarik a few weeks back succeeded in killing 2 WoW with about 20 people ranging from lvl 30 upwards <very few lvl 50 if any, from what i remember> :)

anyways, leave a message hear on ya thoughts on this, or message me ingame so i can get a rough idea on the numbers interested

cyas all soon


2002-09-04 10:45:33  -  Re: Idea's for Guild Hunts
I'm definetly up for a guildhunt! Hopefully I am lvl 40 by then! (2 bubs left=), at laaaaaaaast :P

Looking forward to it, I hope that alot will show up, and not only the lvl 40+ =)



Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b
Edited by Agreiloth on 2002-09-04 10:50:13

2002-09-04 19:25:07  -  Re: Idea's for Guild Hunts
See what i can do, term time is a bit of a pain sometimes though

2002-09-04 20:35:55  -  Re: Idea's for Guild Hunts
i'll be there if possible
if a brick lands on my head before thursday night i won't be there