Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Taking another break

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2004-05-04 08:09:17  -  Taking another break
I just wanna let you guys know, that I took the opportunity to get some work done as my account has expired now anyway. My plan is to wait till June before I renew my account, which should get my studies back on track! So kick some alb arse for me and keep those relics safe! Catch you on the flip-side!
So WHAT I'm a bot!!!! Yes I admit it, I bot for a living, I'm the botfucking master...erhm or something.

2004-05-04 08:38:55  -  Re: Taking another break
Thats a BIG 10-4 pappajoe!

2004-05-04 09:56:11  -  Re: Taking another break

Have a good one!