Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Happy new year all!!!!

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Thread started by Dalekon New Messages  

2003-12-31 18:12:50  -  Happy new year all!!!!
Just wishing everyone happy new year. Hope the fireworks will be good :)

2004-01-01 18:23:51  -  Re: Happy new year all!!!!
And a happy new year to u 2 Dalekon hope to get som farming don with u in the new year

Horned Reaper
Horned Reaper horny amongst othere things ...!
Edited by Horned on 2004-01-01 18:24:25

2004-01-03 22:52:36  -  Re: Happy new year all!!!!
Happy New Year everyone!

A bit late, but wth :-P
Didn't blow much up, but had a few hangovers :-P
Warhammer - Sanzor - *Inactive*
Eve Online - Sanzorz - Amarr *Active!*
WoW - Sanzor - Draenei Shaman *Active*
Daoc - Kindar Battlespirit - Norse Warrior *Inactive*
Age of Conan - Sanzor - Conqueror - *Inactive*

2004-01-04 02:11:25  -  Re: Happy new year all!!!!
A few? ;)

2004-01-06 04:00:12  -  Re: Happy new year all!!!!
Bit late as well....but hey, happy new year and best wishes to all 8)
Only users lose drugs.