Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Soccer Tournament!

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Thread started by Kindar New Messages  

2003-12-08 17:45:47  -  Soccer Tournament!
Ye you heard it! We are going to play soccer ^^
The reason im posting this, is cause i wanna make a team so we can have some fun :-)
So everyone that can play the day the contest is running, plz post here so we can try and make a fg :-)

Check out more on BW....heres the link http://forums.game.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=97656
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2003-12-09 08:37:17  -  Re: Soccer Tournament!
Im up.... :)))

Will be online today btw, Camlann sucks just for now...

Laters Artof DragonSmashers
Dvahlin Gudesen, level 50 Runemaster
Artof DragonSmashers, level 50 Thane
- - - - - - - Camlann - - - - - - -
Liil NiNjA level 43 Nightshade
Wuzzies PunksteR level 45 Buffbot
Fiiil TheDefender level 39 Friar
Fiil WooopsTaxiService the level 43 Bard
Greyelf BluesPigen the level 39 Chanter
Niakaru Snowsquall the level 36 Shadownblade
Self proclamed ruler of ALTS
Most levels on most Chars
With 552 levels And not even all Chars are listed.
The 200 member of Tiwaz.

2003-12-09 13:20:24  -  Re: Soccer Tournament!
YAY! Lets play! :)

/edit bleh no speed allowed unfair! ;)
Edited by Dalekon on 2003-12-09 13:21:45

2003-12-10 08:36:13  -  Re: Soccer Tournament!
Wonder if RC RM's can 'kick' the ball around with Bolts. ^^
Dvahlin Gudesen, level 50 Runemaster
Artof DragonSmashers, level 50 Thane
- - - - - - - Camlann - - - - - - -
Liil NiNjA level 43 Nightshade
Wuzzies PunksteR level 45 Buffbot
Fiiil TheDefender level 39 Friar
Fiil WooopsTaxiService the level 43 Bard
Greyelf BluesPigen the level 39 Chanter
Niakaru Snowsquall the level 36 Shadownblade
Self proclamed ruler of ALTS
Most levels on most Chars
With 552 levels And not even all Chars are listed.
The 200 member of Tiwaz.

2003-12-10 13:14:13  -  Re: Soccer Tournament!
wonder if i can mezz the goalie ^^ AE mezz other team for teh win! ;p
Only users lose drugs.


2003-12-12 18:43:00  -  Re: Soccer Tournament!
Well, the tournament is off for now unfortunately..
A new date hasn't been picked yet, so there's not much to tell otherwise.

2003-12-15 08:36:55  -  Re: Soccer Tournament!
Finally my skalspeed will come to some REAL use :D

2003-12-15 10:43:01  -  Re: Soccer Tournament!
I'm afraid not, it's not allowed to use Skald speed in the tournament (or any other speed buff for that matter).