Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Tiwaz duel tournament!

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Thread started by Kallio New Messages 1 2

2003-12-08 15:32:37  -  Re: Tiwaz duel tournament!
Dvalin is a Rm right? Dead as a .... thing that's dead...I only fear warriors and thanes...yeah I know, Artof's a thane...

/edit Ok I just started fearing high RR shadowblades =)
damn those Lifebanes hurt! ^^
Only users lose drugs.

Edited by Skeggi on 2003-12-20 16:02:20

2003-12-08 17:01:04  -  Re: Tiwaz duel tournament!
I should think a decent supp BD would be able to beat most healers, they would be able to out-LT your melee damage, even with insta stun, and the pets are there as a nice bonus, when not mezzed ;)

2003-12-09 13:06:18  -  Re: Tiwaz duel tournament!
Supp BD's are forbitted fruit in TE! :D

(well TE duels anyway)
Dvahlin Gudesen, level 50 Runemaster
Artof DragonSmashers, level 50 Thane
- - - - - - - Camlann - - - - - - -
Liil NiNjA level 43 Nightshade
Wuzzies PunksteR level 45 Buffbot
Fiiil TheDefender level 39 Friar
Fiil WooopsTaxiService the level 43 Bard
Greyelf BluesPigen the level 39 Chanter
Niakaru Snowsquall the level 36 Shadownblade
Self proclamed ruler of ALTS
Most levels on most Chars
With 552 levels And not even all Chars are listed.
The 200 member of Tiwaz.

2003-12-20 16:04:44  -  Re: Tiwaz duel tournament!
Hey Artof, didn't Dvahlin get his ass kicked by a thane we all know? ;p
Only users lose drugs.

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