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Thread started by Nunnan New Messages  

2003-11-03 13:26:36  -  Idiot me
Why me leave DAoC, 2 new chicks in guild... me stoopid :S

hey anyways, what's up these days? I'm becoming an alcoholic period :/ that's crap... tangled up in blueeeeee
Nunnan "Wild Healing" Lisa lvl 50 Healer
Guild Bully

2003-11-04 05:18:46  -  Re: Idiot me
Ohh....its mostly just the usual. Peaceful and quiet ^^
Not likely something new happens everyday, unless you make it yourself.
Currently im just crafting, lvling hunter and pwned with sb in bg1 :-P

Btw Nunnan...boose bad! :-P
Warhammer - Sanzor - *Inactive*
Eve Online - Sanzorz - Amarr *Active!*
WoW - Sanzor - Draenei Shaman *Active*
Daoc - Kindar Battlespirit - Norse Warrior *Inactive*
Age of Conan - Sanzor - Conqueror - *Inactive*

2003-11-04 13:23:08  -  Re: Idiot me
Not that much at the moment, no..
I've even gained a couple of levels on my Shadowblade because it's so quiet, now that's rather scary :)

2003-11-05 05:27:59  -  Re: Idiot me
Thorarin wrote:
"Not that much at the moment, no..
I've even gained a couple of levels on my Shadowblade because it's so quiet, now that's rather scary :)"

cough*buffbot abuser*cough

Warhammer - Sanzor - *Inactive*
Eve Online - Sanzorz - Amarr *Active!*
WoW - Sanzor - Draenei Shaman *Active*
Daoc - Kindar Battlespirit - Norse Warrior *Inactive*
Age of Conan - Sanzor - Conqueror - *Inactive*

2003-11-05 07:56:15  -  Re: Idiot me
I hate buffbots....

2003-11-05 10:34:48  -  Re: Idiot me
It can be useful to have one around, though groups are more fun to play in, and faster exp too if it's a decent one.

I don't think buffbots are necessarily a problem.

2003-11-17 13:08:22  -  Re: Idiot me
Hey Nun, m8...we're doing pretty well down here 8)

On the buffbot note: I don't understand why it's a problem: there are still enough ppl who just wanna group. In fact: I'd love to group with my shawowblade, it's just that most groups don't want a shadowblade...without the buffbot Susanoo'd still be level 30 or something :/
Only users lose drugs.