Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Smørrebrøds recipe

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Thread started by Jerelyn New Messages  

2003-10-26 18:39:35  -  Smørrebrøds recipe
Daniel has asked me several times to post a recipe on smørrebrød.. so.. well here comes the first one, i don't know the names of the meats in english.. but i will start out with the one with Egg.

here we go

Smørrebrød with Egg and Shrimps

1 half slice of ryebread
small piece of lettuce (or big if you want it to look fancy)
one whole egg (hard boiled and peeled ofc)
6-8 shrimps (peeled ofc)
1 slice of lemon
1 slice of cucumber
1 slice of tomato
1 cut of cress

now here comes the tricky part.. it isn't difficult but it takes a lot of smørrebrød to make it look good

you coat the ryebread with butter

take your piece of lettuce and put it on the "head" of the ryebread (so you can see the green, even with toppings on).

now slice the egg on the long edge with an eggslicer, you should now have 8 egg slices.
start from the head of the ryebread and take the two small piece of egg from each end and put them at the same spot on the egg, then go 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 with the rest of egg, starting on the ryebread head, going down.

now put a stripe of mayo on the egg slices and add salt and pepper

now you've made the base. now the toppings come

take your shrimps and put them together on the upper part of the mayo so they don't fall off.

take your lemon, tomato and cucumber slices, put them together with the lemon in the middle and cut from the middle of the lemon and out, so you have a "jumper".
Now you split the "jumpers" leg and put it on top of the mayo, so they barely touch the shrimps.

put a cut of cress in one of the "jumper" holes, and add a very little amount of caviar on top of the shrimps.

(note: you can change the egg with a breaded panfried fish. and the mayo with remoulade, and voila, you now have a smørrebrød with fish and shrimps)

you're now done. eat it!!!
Guild Nanny
Find me on facebook: www.facebook.com/ditte.solsoe
Edited by Jerelyn on 2003-10-27 19:46:13

2003-10-27 07:19:39  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
Drool......of damn...now look at my keyboard! >_<

I'll try this out a few times when i have some friends dropping by....or maybe just a nightsnack ^^
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2003-10-27 08:18:37  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe

2003-10-27 10:54:35  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
ARRRGGGG and now i read this so close to lunch!


2003-11-03 13:25:55  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
Mums fillibabba! det låter inte dumt allt.. GLORY TO DENMARk
Nunnan "Wild Healing" Lisa lvl 50 Healer
Guild Bully

2003-11-06 04:33:24  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
Seems a little fancy to me, you wouldnt happen to have something the average bachelor could make would you Jere ?

You know for those who doesnt have much more than a six pack of beer and and a piece of cheese so old its evolved into a sentient being in the fridge ? (I call him Marty by the way)

Something that doesnt take 30 minutes and a college education to make, preferably something I could throw together while the commercials are on and tastes reasonably well. =)

It doesn't matter how many people I've killed, What's important is how I get along with those that are still alive.
Edited by Graav on 2003-11-06 04:34:52

2003-11-06 09:49:16  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
Eeep, a Graav ;)

Didn't you join the army? Are you back yet, has it been that long? :)

2003-11-06 20:20:57  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
Well technically I did'nt 'join' the army as this was my third year with Telemarks Bataljonen.
I've just been kept busy as the amount of field training nigh on tripled after the US decided to attack Irak and our state of readyness went through the roof 'just in case'.

I'm free from duty now as I had a little accident, on a field exercise, a snow mobile ran over my leg, ended up with a cracked kneecap and a torn tendinous ligament.
Had surgery twice in the last three weeks and got nothing but downtime while waiting to heal and rehabilitating my knee.
As I can't move around much since I'm effectively gimped I'll be spending quite some time with the computer.

So yes and no, I think I'll get back into the whole online gaming thing but I seriously doubt I'll be coming back to DAoC tho', I think I had my fill of that horrible skill\level system the last time around.

I will pick up Star Wars: Galaxies one of these days as it finally hits Norway tomorrow, if that does'nt float my boat then who knows.

And yes, its been a while now, at least 9 - 10 months since the last time I logged on to DAoC, but I've been checking the forums and keeping tabs on you guys from time to time tho'.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tiwaz is by far the best clan\guild I've ever been involved with, you guys are pure gold. :D

And keep in mind I'm not an 'asskissing' sort of person, my thumbs up actually means something. ;-)
It doesn't matter how many people I've killed, What's important is how I get along with those that are still alive.

2003-11-06 20:37:42  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
Graav wrote:
"Seems a little fancy to me, you wouldnt happen to have something the average bachelor could make would you Jere ?

You know for those who doesnt have much more than a six pack of beer and and a piece of cheese so old its evolved into a sentient being in the fridge ? (I call him Marty by the way)

Something that doesnt take 30 minutes and a college education to make, preferably something I could throw together while the commercials are on and tastes reasonably well. =)"

well i don't exactly have a college education in Smørrebrød.. i've been told how to make them ;)

but well here's a nice fast little thingy for you to bix together while the commercials are running:

some mushrooms,
garlic oil (or oil and fresh Garlic),
pre-boiled broccoli
a few pieces of ham
a can of ripped tomatoes (preferably chopped)
some of that "fast cooked" pasta or Noodles

first: boil the noodles/pasta
fry the mushrooms in the garlic, add the ham, fry it all.
then add the tomatosplat
add the Broccoli
last: add whatever spice you want (salt pepper etc.)

noodles on plate, tomato/garlic/mushroom/broccoli/ham splat on top.

eat and enjoy

(this shouldn't take more than app 10 minutes)
Guild Nanny
Find me on facebook: www.facebook.com/ditte.solsoe

2003-11-08 22:40:55  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
Now i suddenly got hungry >_<
Warhammer - Sanzor - *Inactive*
Eve Online - Sanzorz - Amarr *Active!*
WoW - Sanzor - Draenei Shaman *Active*
Daoc - Kindar Battlespirit - Norse Warrior *Inactive*
Age of Conan - Sanzor - Conqueror - *Inactive*

2003-11-11 09:38:06  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
*moan* All this talk about food!

Not fair when you sit here at work feeling hungry...

2003-11-17 12:58:58  -  Re: Smørrebrøds recipe
I always eat microwave cheeseburgers when I'm in for a snack ;p
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