Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Selling items

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Thread started by Nunnan New Messages  

2003-10-04 13:45:06  -  Selling items
Hey there, i was thinking..

With my 3 friends, we're gonna play daoc again ( 2 new tho ).. And we wont go Midgard, since it's alot of cockheads there who believes im an cheater.. and it wouldn't be fair against the new gamers in our "gang", so we're going to go pryd / hib, maybe alb..

And i wanna, "sell my stuff" and get money in thath other realm, any idéa how i will do`?
Nunnan "Wild Healing" Lisa lvl 50 Healer
Guild Bully

2003-10-04 14:00:03  -  Re: Selling items
Lol...if you haven't been banned yet Nunnan, then i guess you haven't cheated.
Don't say you are going albion, cuase they im gonna hit you!
Anyway...i guess you should sell your items on BW and ask for a money transfer. Many pople are doing that.
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2003-10-06 07:06:40  -  Re: Selling items
Is albs just as stupid on pryd?

I would like to know why people think albs are stupid. My personal oppinion just say they are little-powerhungy-impotent-munchkins :D but hey thats just me....

Not sure why. As for the hibbies i kinda like em.

2003-10-06 13:34:15  -  Re: Selling items
Albs on pryd arent as bad as on excal.. I fled to alb/pryd cuz i where sick of excal rvr and the "i log" attitude on mid/excal.. Anyway i find rvr alot better on alb/pryd with my 50necro and 30 friar, theyr not really rvr chars but who cares? :)
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker