Tiwaz's Emissaries » Hunts & Raids » Tusc. Raid - Tuesday 30th of Septermber

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Thread started by Archeon New Messages  

2003-09-25 20:19:23  -  Tusc. Raid - Tuesday 30th of Septermber

2003-09-26 07:11:32  -  Re: Tusc. Raid - Tuesday 30th of Septermber
Will try and be there :)

2003-09-27 03:51:40  -  Re: Tusc. Raid - Tuesday 30th of Septermber
Gonna drag Kindar along...we need the tanks imo. I remember what happend last time >_< Lone tank and 4 seer classes....only died once 0_o
Warhammer - Sanzor - *Inactive*
Eve Online - Sanzorz - Amarr *Active!*
WoW - Sanzor - Draenei Shaman *Active*
Daoc - Kindar Battlespirit - Norse Warrior *Inactive*
Age of Conan - Sanzor - Conqueror - *Inactive*

2003-09-29 21:37:02  -  Re: Tusc. Raid - Tuesday 30th of Septermber
Raid is cancelled, see link in top post.

Hope to see you back online normally soon Arch..