Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » back to DAOC

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Thread started by Adoctor New Messages  

2003-08-12 16:07:16  -  back to DAOC

I'm back to playing DAOC after a break of over a year. My characters are:

Adoctor - lvl43 healer
Garsha - lvl33 Thane
Karakal lvl 23 Hunter
(another zerker low-lvl)

One thing i need (if possible) is to add Adoctor back to the guild, as i in-advertantly released him from the guild yesterday.

Hope you guys remember your friendly Adoctor HealingYou.



2003-08-12 22:03:43  -  Re: back to DAOC
Noooo! Not another healer as main...i thought Midgard was a melee realm! I'll stick to my warrior! :-P
Warhammer - Sanzor - *Inactive*
Eve Online - Sanzorz - Amarr *Active!*
WoW - Sanzor - Draenei Shaman *Active*
Daoc - Kindar Battlespirit - Norse Warrior *Inactive*
Age of Conan - Sanzor - Conqueror - *Inactive*

2003-08-12 23:11:17  -  Re: back to DAOC
Welcome back Mr. Doctor :D
Like Kindar said we neeed more healers, going RvR with a fg of healers (and 1 warrior perhaps then) would be quite funny to say the least :)