Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » New in Midgard!

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2003-07-20 00:40:48  -  New in Midgard!
lo all, im new in midgard and Tiwaz and i need to know good exp places and how to get to them...i also need to know what i shall specc on my alt (viking, shall be warrior) would be very happy for answers..

2003-07-20 09:09:11  -  Re: New in Midgard!
Hey There welcome in midgard ;) ... And Tiwaz of course =)

for sub lvl 20, I would do killtasks in Aegirshamn I SI, thats the fastest way to 20.

As for warrior spec there's 3 specs (most common ;)):
50 axe/sword 42 shield 39 parry (best parry, good blocking) <-- this i recommend if you switch from 1 hand to 2 hand often (usefull in RvR)
50 axe/sword 50 shield 28 parry (best blocking, might be the best spec in next patch with the parry/block fix)
44 axe/sword 44 shield 44 parry (most versatile, though ull miss the lvl 50 weapon style)
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b
Edited by Agreiloth on 2003-07-20 09:09:39

2003-07-20 23:24:13  -  Re: New in Midgard!
I'd like to add that especially if you want to PvE a little after you've got 50 (at which warriors are pretty good) to farm seals or other riches from monsters, 50/50/28 is a great spec. You parry a LOT (I know this from experience, even on purple mobs) but you get the 50 Shield stun style, which is great in PvE especially but also in RvR, in all those times RvR gets a little less chaotic than usual (which I have to admit isn't often)..
anyway it's up to you :)

Anyway, as long as you're not 50 yet, keep weapon at your own level. Spec in shield and parry the way you like: more in shield if you use it often and more in parry if you prefer to hit with a big 2hander ;)
Edited by Shaniah on 2003-07-20 23:25:32

2003-07-21 01:23:46  -  Re: New in Midgard!
thx for the help, right now i am lvl 24 healer and wonder...are df good place for me to exp?.....

2003-07-21 10:06:40  -  Re: New in Midgard!
I personally think..... df is suckie, exept money..... but as an healer as u are and myself. we dont do that good solo.. but yes, u might find a group there, but camp bonus stinks.. and btw ;) it's not open 24/7... Muspelheim is :D
Nunnan "Wild Healing" Lisa lvl 50 Healer
Guild Bully

2003-07-26 18:14:29  -  Re: New in Midgard!
Musp is gooda dn you can get some very nice items there...although rare. I found various good jewelry there.
I just hate musp cause most loot there ain't stackable, and you are likely to get any loot as your first char to get some money. I like Skona or some few SI areas better then :-)
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