Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D

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2003-07-07 08:32:44  -  Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
During a quarter of a millennium, from 8th June 793 until 25th September 1066 when king Harold Hardrada was defeated and killed at the battle of Stamford Bridge, these men would come in waves, often young and seeking a fight, and extremely skilled as sailors and warriors. Their activities left traces for eternity. Over 900 of the most common English words come from the Vikings (sky, skin, scrape, skirt, husband (husbonde) and window (vindue) are some examples). There are over 600 village names in England which can be directly related to the Vikings (Grimsby, Thoresby, Brimtoft, Langtoft and so on). There are English counties where about 75 percent of the village names derived from the Vikings. On the Shetland Islands the percentage goes up to about 99 percent. In the North East of England the Nordic languages were spoken until as late as the 12th century, on the Isle Of Man until the middle of the 15th century

And did you do know that Scandinavian Genes can still be traced it the blood of alot of english, so you can actually "measure" where the Vikings had most "influence" ;-)

Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b
Edited by Agreiloth on 2003-07-07 08:48:24

2003-07-07 08:37:56  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ?
Oh and just a little update, where did the vikings come from that conquered England ? Read below...

All vikings were not united. The Danish Vikings conquered England, Ireland, Scotland and so on while the Swedes went east to create a civilazation in todays Russia. The Norwegians went to America and Ireland etc.
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b

2003-07-07 11:19:23  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
we've been invaded lots...

English = Latin, Greek, Viking, Saxon, etc.
Ben Britton 19 Workaholic

2003-07-07 13:22:28  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
Heres a nice big helping of 'i don't care' with a nice big side portion of 'bite me' for extra measure.

We might have been invaded lots but all the best stuff comes from england,


...urrr..... tony blair? nah thats not a good one...

......orange juice?.. no


in conculsion, england rules the neitherlands' drools :P

2003-07-07 14:41:13  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
True Grilf, but this was mainly aimed at Arch so lets not get too serious... He might get confused ;)
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b

2003-07-08 08:39:14  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
i like orange juice...

2003-07-09 20:01:28  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
I guess I should fill in a little bit more about vikings... I guess you have seen a lot of pictures and drawings of vikings with horned helmets (often seen worn by the swedish fans in games like ice hockey). In fact, vikings never used any horns on their helmets (no items found that would point at that). But the idea of them having horns comes from the religous drawings from england. The priests or whoever drew the drawings thought the Vikings were demons from hell, and that's why they have horns on so many pictures :)

2003-07-09 22:09:04  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
Yes, yes well all know that Vikings didn't infact wear horned Helmets. It seems to be all those people that study Norse mythology talk about.

Archeon: So anyway, whats this mean?
Myth guy: It means Vikings didn't wear horns in their helmets
Archeon: Dude, its a picture of a cod-piece...
Myth Guy: i know, but it means they didn't have horned helmets
Archeon: ...Being worn by Loki...
Myth Guy: Without a horned helmet
Archeon: ...while lap-dancing on Odin's wife...
Myth Guy: Without a horned helmet
Archeon: You have no idea what your talking about do you?
Myth Guy: No... but it sounded good didn't it?
Archeon: Oh yeah, if i were anyone else i'd have been totally fooled


Anyway, back to the important stuff. Like the way we british invented time. You see it all happened one day when King Godzilla was out picking daisys and making daisy chains...

2003-07-14 13:13:41  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
the English didn't invent time.
They invented scones.
King Godzilla was trying to bake little blueberry cakes, but being the silly half-Celt he was, he forgot to add the blueberries, and made the cakes go all hard and dry. Then he covered up hastily by serving them with a bucket of whipped cream and told everyone they were meant that way.
The English all applauded him. The Dutch did not.

2003-07-14 19:16:45  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
A couple of corrections.. the Vikings did use horns, but for ceremonial things. The celts wore them alot though, for battle etc.

(I got bored 1 IT lesson and did some research)
Ben Britton 19 Workaholic

2003-07-14 21:46:47  -  Re: Is the English, just a spinoff of Scandinavians ? >:D
the English didn't invent time.
We did too, we also invented Oxygen, Public transportation and the xylophone (we're planning to invent the internet in a few years, stay tuned) ;)