Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Stoneheart Quest run

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Thread started by Agreiloth New Messages  

2003-07-01 09:09:37  -  Stoneheart Quest run
Hi Peeps...

The StoneHeart Quest has some really nice awards.

I want the Cloak of the TrollFathers and the 2 handed axe... I wan't the one handed Axe too but I don't think this quest is repeatalbe :'(

If any1 else than me fancies any of these drops or just want to help... please do post here and lets make a Stoneheart quest hunt!
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b
Edited by Agreiloth on 2003-07-01 13:24:59

2003-07-01 09:41:12  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
count me in m8, when is it
Hagart Bloodbeard lvl 50 zerker
Ulle Smuksang 29 Skald

2003-07-01 11:08:25  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
As soon as we can get enough peeps... it'll require about 6 peeps... incl. a shammy and a healer... since the mobs are red/low purp and BAFs
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b

2003-07-01 11:21:34  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
I'l come i guess, are we doing the entire quest from the start or should i do some of the initial steps?

2003-07-01 12:14:48  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
The steps before trollheim should be soloable at 50 I'm told but I'm not sure... I'll try when I get home from work today!
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b
Edited by Agreiloth on 2003-07-01 12:19:01

2003-07-01 13:05:43  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
ill come, not that i need anything and i do have the cloak (u can solo it, just stop when u get the cloak.)
But the weapon could be handy 4 a alt and i hear the last boss is haard(people say u need a fg with a healer)...
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker

2003-07-01 22:59:08  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
Dunno about you made the run yet, but i wanna join too if possible...
Warhammer - Sanzor - *Inactive*
Eve Online - Sanzorz - Amarr *Active!*
WoW - Sanzor - Draenei Shaman *Active*
Daoc - Kindar Battlespirit - Norse Warrior *Inactive*
Age of Conan - Sanzor - Conqueror - *Inactive*
Edited by Kindar on 2003-07-01 22:59:17

2003-07-02 08:25:12  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
We havn't done it yet so all are welcome!

I didn't get to do the first part of the quest yesterday so, I'll do that today if it's not soloable for some peeps we'll ofc help with that too.
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b

2003-07-02 09:31:58  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
when are we gonna do this, i already have that quest, but havent started on it yet, and i've heard the rewards should be pretty sweet too
Hagart Bloodbeard lvl 50 zerker
Ulle Smuksang 29 Skald

2003-07-02 13:20:10  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
Ok I have done the first steps, and they are soloable.. you might want IP ready... If you get the 2 first steps before 17:30 CET we can finish the quest while we are in TH money farming :)

PM me if you need help I'm ingame...
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b

2003-07-02 20:11:16  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run

Because of the low turnout to the TH hunt, I'm trying to reschedule it (hope you don't mind Arch ;). So try to complete the steps before trollheim before tomorrow 18CET, it's soloable (bind in Bjarkan just in case ;), then we'll finish the stoneheart Quest as part of the TH hunt... I hope ;)
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b

2003-07-05 14:48:25  -  Re: Stoneheart Quest run
Ok I have completed the Quest, but we'll oc still do the last step tomorrow at the TH raid, IF enough peeps show up that is. So sign up on The Table, and complete the steps before TH, so your ready tomorrow (Sunday) =)
Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b