Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Emissarie

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Thread started by Marble New Messages  

2003-05-27 17:02:26  -  Emissarie
YAY i did the emissaries quest and have now got guild emblem and am no longer a runenr, i was getting tired anyway :D

2003-05-27 18:58:25  -  Re: Emissarie
One less bitch to make the tea, congrats on making the promotion ^_^

2003-05-28 10:20:48  -  Re: Emissarie
Congratulations, and my apologies about the confusion for the level 50 quest item.
We don't often get level 50 that join, and when we do they usually just choose to do the quest with a lower level alt and get that item :)