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2003-05-23 06:38:54  -  New char...
Hi all

As im currently mostly playing in group with logos (SB)
Falldorn (rune-mage-thingie) and being a SB myself i was encouraged by several players to make another char to level a little first.

So i have to questions:

1.Can skalds actually fight? or are they just looking tough singing and drinking so the others in group can fight?

2.Can healers fight at all? or are the just rooting and
running? and ofcourse healing....

Im mostly concerned in RvsR as RvsE can always be done at convinence...

Well im now thinking of making a skald, and have some Q.

1.Does parry still work while wearing a shield in the other hand?

2.Does it sound ok to put 10 str, 10 con, 10 char when making a norsemen?

3.What color does kobolds faces get when you try to strangle them?

4.How "high" should i keep those battlesong when training?
I guess for good RvsR i should keep em at my level?

5.Does it help more if i get battlesongs-skill even higher than my level?

6.Does all this make sense?
Edited by Elme on 2003-05-23 09:34:34

2003-05-23 15:27:02  -  Re: New char...
Weee, lots of questions to answer, and about skalds too!
First of all, yes ofcourse skalds can fight, in fact they are very good at it. The only real problem is that they have a hard time with defence, low hp, no shield spec, but 2 lovely DDs more then make up with this.
But it is in a group that skalds are best, both because all other tanks have a better defence(except zerkers, but they have massive hp) and because of the songs.

Healers can fight as well, ask Archeon for that id say :P

Here are some answers as i see it:
1. Parry always works even if you arent in fighting mode(pressing F6 and all) so if you use 1h weapons doesnt make parry work less then if you use 2h weapons. Major difference between 1h and 2h is that 1h can hit faster and you have a shield for defence, 2h hit harder and hardly misses(at least I hardly miss with 2h :p )

2. Who cares, as long as you put 10 in char you can put the rest in str con dex and maybe even quick. Decided what weapon you will use before you put in points tho, because axe and hammer weaponskill depends 100% on str while sword depends for 50% on str and 50% on dex.

3. Probable a nice shade of purple.

4. Keeping BS at your level is very sweet, only your weaponskill will suffer alot then, I recommend you keep it 1-2 below your level and catch up with the spec points you get from mini dings after 40.

5. Sure, if you have BS high the DDs do better damage and have a better chance to hit(not be resisted) also mezz and snare have better chance of hitting then. In RvR you will love mezz for stopping enemies dead in his tracks and snare to catch up with cowards who try to run away :)

6. You tell me ;)

Hope this was usefull :D if not to bad ;0


2003-05-23 17:51:36  -  Re: New char...
Healers, fight? na...

they just take FOREVER to kill ;)

2x insta heals
2x insta stun (st and ae, then they run away, heal, and wait for you to wake up and start knocking yourself out on their damage shield)
2x insta mez (see above)

seeing grilf melee a zerker was funny :)

2003-05-24 07:34:25  -  Re: New char...
Just a few correction to Dalekon's answers.. Sword is NOT dex/str based it's all strength based just like axe and hammer.

An early lvling tip is to get sword(if that the weapon you choose) to ten as fast as possible ie. have 10 i sword at lvl 10 rest in BS. The 10 sword style is very nice cause it has a medium to hit bonus. After lvl 10 put all points in BS so you get some decent songs. Then follow Dalekon's spec suggestion =). Btw. Rag i have a healer parked at lvl 21 just waiting for you guys ;). So when you get to around lvl 18-19 I'll supply a healer all the way to 50 =).


Remember to choose a class that you think would be fun to play. Though for fun in RvR as a melee class, skalds, bezerkers/thanes and savages are the most versatile options. A warrior is a PvE god imo, but is kinda limited in RvR situations (no range attacks, and damage isn't very high either).

And well if you can't see youself as anything else than a SB go SB ;).

Agreiloth Kinslayer 50th season guild n00b
Edited by Agreiloth on 2003-05-24 19:17:27

2003-05-26 09:09:31  -  Re: New char...
Thanks a bunch all.

Im currently a level 16 skald and i LOVE IT!!!
That speed song is addictive :D

I am going hammer 2/3 at my level, BS 1 below level (got a quest item +1 BS) so it still is my level :D

Put the rest into parry. I kinda like parry is it usefull later on in RvsR?

Does it sound ok to go for a supportclass in RvsR??
I mean keeping alive, good defense. 1h and shield and helping team with songs. Not sure skald is the best class to go hunt :D

Well anyway i have no clue about RvsR fighting so im kinda shooting in the dark here ( no ultra vision )

my specs are at level 16:
sword 1
axe 1
parry 6
hammer 10
battlesong 15 + 1
Edited by Elme on 2003-05-26 09:14:36

2003-05-26 09:40:17  -  Re: New char...
At the moment there is a bug with parrying and blocking in RvR that makes it less useful than in PvE, but the bug is supposedly fixed in the upcoming 1.62 version, so yes it is (or will be) useful.

Still, I think my spec at level 50 would be:
46 Battlesongs
44 Weapon
17 Parry

44 Weapon will give you better damage and weaponskill, and even with reasonably high parry you will never tank as good as the real tank classes (like Warrior) anyway. So I think it would be best to help them make kills with some decent damage.

Of course, this is all IMHO, my own skald is only level 16 too ;)

2003-05-26 15:09:43  -  Re: New char...
Have to agree with Thora, skalds make excellent killers of any class that hasnt real good defence of many hitpoints. For example fighting an armsman or hero 1vs1 with a skald is a real good suicide idea....
Any other, and especcially casters and healers, is pretty much fair game for a skald. I think skalds are one of the few classes that can kill a chanter (mezz pet, DD chanter, happy skald, dead chanter ;) )

But still, in groups skalds are best. In PvP and PvE.

2003-05-27 06:41:11  -  Re: New char...
Dont be fooled skalds are great fighters, ask Bacardi (hes now babel cuz he got hacked and deleted ehs skald). He were prolly the only skald who culd beat Zerks in 1v1 as long those zerks dident were rr5+ (he were rr5something himself).

Skalds aint just the same "spam anytime style" or u wont get anyware.. the real dmg and bonus's lies in the pos styles (just like zerk, hitting from behind will give you about 15% more dmg).

Sciense you use hammer i cant help you with what styles are good but sword has a nice attack debuff style (awesome against 2h users)

And you will be surprised how usefull snare is.. then run off with rest song and regen
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker

2003-05-27 16:44:43  -  Re: New char...
Hey Krang :)
Haven't seen you online for a while? Are you playing atm?

2003-05-28 07:10:56  -  Re: New char...
Nah i pretty much stopped playing.. i do play sometimes when i get to borrow Subs buffbott but thats about it.. cant play anymroe cuz the twad i traded with ripped off my quest items (glacier jewel, Bearded resisting stone and my cool belt along with 1p). As revenge im gonna rip hes chars 4 all the stuff he got and give it to people who helped me lvl tru the year and about a half :].

He never thought about i had hes pass too when he logged in and stole my items... silly boy. Talked to him and he were to return em today so im awaiting to see cuz if he dont.. byebye rr5zerk ;]
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker

2003-05-28 10:18:45  -  Re: New char...
Hmm, sounds nasty..

This is exactly the reason why account trading isn't allowed you know ;)

2003-05-28 12:20:53  -  Re: New char...
ya i knew it might happen but im not really playing anyway, just wont let him get away with it.
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker