Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Damn i'm tired..

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Thread started by Jerelyn New Messages  

2003-05-18 15:18:26  -  Damn i'm tired..
I'm tired. Yes, I'm tired. For several years I've been blaming it on Teen Age, poor circulation, air pollution, dieting, under arm odour, hormones, lack of vitamins, yellow build up in the corners of my eyes, and a dozen other maladies that make you wonder if life is worth living. But I found it isn't any of that at all. I'm tired because I'm overworked. If the population of this country is 51 million, and 21 million are retired. That leaves 30 million to do the work. There are 19 million in school, that leaves 11 million to do the work. 2 million are unemployed and 4 million are employed by the Government. That leaves 5 million to do the work. 1 million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 4 million to do the work. 3 million are employed by County and Borough Councils, leaving 1 million to do the work. There are 620,000 people in hospitals and 379,998 in prison, which leaves just TWO people to do the work. YOU and me!! And you're sitting on your bloody arse reading this! It's no wonder I'm so bloody tired.

-Becky Joseph Waddon, Croydon

found on www.iwantoneofthose.com
Guild Nanny
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2003-05-18 15:30:03  -  Re: Damn i'm tired..

2003-05-19 06:19:35  -  Re: Damn i'm tired..
du skør :p
Dwy - Bard
Ywd - Enchanter

2003-06-02 08:30:39  -  Re: Damn i'm tired..
hehe, that was a nice one :)

2003-06-04 16:09:01  -  Re: Damn i'm tired..
nice one jere=)
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even break fast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.