Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » lol..

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Thread started by Jerelyn New Messages  

2003-05-12 02:21:05  -  lol..
ok.. could anybody here explain what this is all about? (Thorarin, you're out of the question, as i think you don't even know yourself :P)

a little story from our irc chan on quakenet..

[01:11:45] * Jydan has joined #Tiwaz
[01:11:46] * Thorarin sets mode: +o Jydan
[01:11:57] * Jydan has left #Tiwaz
[01:26:45] * _W_Arch|awai has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:29:18] * _W_Arch|awai has joined #Tiwaz
[01:29:19] * L sets mode: +v _W_Arch|awai
[01:36:29] * Jydan has joined #Tiwaz
[01:39:08] * Jydan has left #Tiwaz
[01:39:08] * Jydan has joined #Tiwaz
[01:39:18] * Thorarin sets mode: +o Jydan
[01:47:20] * Jydan has quit IRC (Quit)
[01:47:20] * Thorarin has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[01:47:41] * Thorarin has joined #Tiwaz
[01:47:41] * L sets mode: +o Thorarin
[01:48:12] * Jydan has joined #Tiwaz
[01:48:16] * Thorarin sets mode: +o Jydan
[02:04:55] * Thorarin sets mode: -o Jydan
[02:06:19] * Thorarin sets mode: +b *!*@3eea7895.cable.wanadoo.nl
[02:06:19] * Jydan was kicked by Direwolf (*!*@3eea7895.cable.wanadoo.nl banned by Thorarin (Don't whine to me))
[02:06:47] * Thorarin sets mode: -b *!*@3eea7895.cable.wanadoo.nl
[02:07:48] * Jydan has joined #Tiwaz
[02:07:53] * Thorarin sets mode: +o Jydan
[02:08:00] * Thorarin sets mode: -o Jydan
[02:08:10] * Thorarin sets mode: +b *!*@3eea7895.cable.wanadoo.nl
[02:08:11] * Jydan was kicked by Direwolf (*!*@3eea7895.cable.wanadoo.nl banned by Thorarin (Don't whine to me))
[02:08:19] * Thorarin sets mode: -b *!*@3eea7895.cable.wanadoo.nl
[02:08:20] * Jydan has joined #Tiwaz
[02:08:29] * Thorarin sets mode: +o Jydan
[02:09:35] * Jydan has quit IRC (Quit)


bottom line:
i didn't get it

Guild Nanny
Find me on facebook: www.facebook.com/ditte.solsoe

2003-05-12 08:27:52  -  Re: lol..
AnaRCHy! Thorarin ur bouncer fecked up :P?
Dwy - Bard
Ywd - Enchanter
Edited by Dwy on 2003-05-12 08:28:54

2003-05-12 13:24:04  -  Re: lol..
Was just testing something :p

2003-05-12 21:48:33  -  Re: lol..
Hmmm... thanks Jer, you reminded me why i don't use IRC ^_^

... out of sheer interest what does it all mean Bazil?

2003-05-14 22:33:35  -  Re: lol..
haha i see that the peer strikes back=P
well hope to see u online this weekend jere ...
thats if arcaan lets me...but he will=)=)
btw im done with my education so out on a job hunt atm going quite well i have to companys in a place called stromsund that are thinking about hiring me (part time both)
but i get full hours if i get both jobs and it means that i can buy a new computer and there is bb there too=)=) well have to go gonna see lord of the rings for the 93 time=D loe the film=)=) well bye for now
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even break fast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.

2003-05-15 07:14:05  -  Re: lol..
Oh god my head is spinning, I can't get even those funny sound effects to work damnit...I HATE COMPUTERS! So, there I said it, and I feel alot better ^^
Only users lose drugs.