Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Bodger&Badger

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Thread started by Archeon New Messages  

2003-03-13 14:09:54  -  Bodger&Badger

2003-03-15 14:50:01  -  Re: Bodger&Badger
Yes, it's a theme park, very near where I used to live actually.
My dad lives about a kilometer from there, yet I've never been there, hehe

2003-03-15 18:40:47  -  Re: Bodger&Badger
Visit Archeon, i wanna know what its like ^_^

2003-03-16 01:44:46  -  Re: Bodger&Badger
Seems kinda boring to me ;)
Gimped themepark..

2003-03-18 09:58:21  -  Re: Bodger&Badger
Oi that's true, in fact I've been there before it went bankrupt...it really sucked dick m8, that's the louziest theme park ever! Well I'm sure you'd be proud of that ^^, anyway some other stupid guy just put money into it so it's running again.
Only users lose drugs.


2003-03-31 00:33:15  -  Re: Bodger&Badger
I've been there. It's kinda cute, they had stone age and medieval villages and everything. We got told off for chasing the chickens though, which is probably why Skeggi thought it sucked dick.

Arch I've told you of this theme park before, why won't you ever take my word for something :P
Edited by Shaniah on 2003-03-31 00:34:07

2003-03-31 01:54:21  -  Re: Bodger&Badger
Ok, just put my name in a search engine. The first hit was Tiwaz, weeeee :D

The second, well: http://www.troutmag.org/dirkwho.html
The Dalekons: These are giant atomic-powered robots that, to camouflage themselves, can 'transform' into cruet sets. Led by their leader, Optimus Davros, they seek to destroy the world by recklessly burning fossil fuels and causing global warming.Evil arent I? And there are more of me as well!

this one is just fun though http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~mimrie/dalek/dalekon.htm :)