Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » /cries

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Thread started by Graav New Messages  

2003-01-14 19:56:57  -  /cries
Granted .. I havent been online lately and I havent left any info on why, but I'm still taken by surprise when I find myself stripped of my membership.

As the topic suggests, that makes me a sad panda :(

For those who did not know, ( would probably be all of you ;) ) I am a career soldier and after recent events the military is in a (alot) higher state of readyness, this has left me with very little time for play.
Now that North Korea also jumped on the "I wanna play with nukes" bandwagon it doesnt seem like I'll be having as much freetime as I would like.

And a few weeks ago my subscription was terminated by the mean bastards at Mythic since I wasnt paying my bills ;)
I see no reson to renew subscription until I'm able to actually play the game, but I will be back.

So I ask of you: dont toss me aside, I might still have a role to play in the fight against the foes of midgard.
It doesn't matter how many people I've killed, What's important is how I get along with those that are still alive.

2003-01-15 10:20:18  -  Re: /cries
Good luck you 'sad panda' and take care IRL battles. Come back safe and well cos Midgard needs you :)
Poppet (Thane) Level 50
Popsey (Shaman) level 28
Popz (Evil SB) Level 18

2003-01-15 20:15:52  -  Re: /cries
Hmm, put you back as Emissary.. The reason I put you on guest was that none of your characters were showing up anymore, and I assumed you rerolled on another realm..

Some characters have been inactive for months and are still showing up as members while you disappeared, which kind of threw me off ;)

2003-01-16 12:08:21  -  Re: /cries
Hope to see you online soon :)

2003-01-20 01:52:49  -  Re: /cries
aww graav was wondering where you had got to... (i dont read the forum that regularly, see date on this post <blush>)
well have fun out there, and looking forward to seeing you again