Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Random Spam

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2003-01-08 07:05:21  -  Random Spam
well seeing that i cant write in the table anymore quess ill just write here instead..
oo aaahhhh hmm dont really have much to say well oh yeah cant u guys go kill those wonderfull kobbie warriors that repeatedly killed me last night they where really quite anoying here i was running around with me litle armourless friar , and i do mean armour less dont have any armour=/
ahh well it was fun seeing hunter power anyways 3 of em they really did hurt=P
well me and arcaan where looking at his pyrd account, he is mid there too , damn he missed mid =(
ahh well see u all soon have a nice one=)
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even break fast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.

2003-01-08 09:21:22  -  Re: Random Spam
why do u play alb when we all know it sux so badly.. dont go there just because of ur friends come to mid if thats what u like the most... atleast thats whats most important inst it ?
Dwy - Bard
Ywd - Enchanter

2003-01-08 13:14:58  -  Re: Random Spam
yeah u have to be able to have fun when u play but a promise is still a promise ill play tills i get soo sick of it and then come back home=)
ah well by then they should have high enough lvl to do rvr and all that is left for me is to get the same lvl so i can kick there asses both of theguys that have bought the acount,not arcaan, say are are so good at rvr and they have to prove it right=)=)
ahh well i will have to endure this torture and its back hom to where i feel safe..might even make a lvl 50=)
ahh well have to go now tills next time=)
oh i think ill change the account name then too too many greeks talk to me in well greek seems thanos is a greek name=P
be well and prospure as a certain klingon would say=)
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even break fast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.

2003-01-08 18:31:11  -  Re: Random Spam
a klingon? dont you mean a vulcan? :P

2003-01-08 23:44:01  -  Re: Random Spam
Also, they say LLaP:
Live Long and Prosper
or sometimes
Long Life and Peace


2003-01-09 06:57:23  -  Re: Random Spam
hmm i seem to be losing it =D
oh thats right klingons are big and trollie like=P
hehe too much new generation here i think
ahh well picard and data rule anyways
and remember
resistance is futile
and that im sure of=P
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even break fast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.