Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Alinda

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Thread started by Charonel New Messages  

2002-12-22 04:27:04  -  Alinda
Hope the crazy Elf who found you in uppland didnt come as too much of a shock :), you were on a mob at the time and you have to wonder what enemies will do in those situations :D

anyway, thought I'd say hiya, by the way, I was gonna kill you when I saw the grey con kobbie running along the road from my spot up on the hill, but when i got closer I saw that one: you were on a mob and I dont xp kill so that was a prob already :p, and two: that you were too damn cute!

not as cute as a nice luri for sure! but nice enough to stop me killing you anyway :) thought I'd say hiya.

but just one question, what the hell were you doing xping at that time of night???...er...morning...sort of...heh. just seen the time actually.

<runs to the nearest bed>

[Excal](hib)Charonel TheTraitor, Level 41 Mana Eldritch.

Que insanely long list of alts >HERE< :)

2002-12-22 04:28:40  -  Re: Alinda
nice forums by the way, not often you find something quite so functional, very quick and easy registration!
[Excal](hib)Charonel TheTraitor, Level 41 Mana Eldritch.

Que insanely long list of alts >HERE< :)

2002-12-22 04:43:02  -  Re: Alinda
Hiya. Yeah this forum is nice :) Dident expect a hib to write in here tho :)
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker

2002-12-22 04:53:21  -  Re: Alinda
well niether would I :)

but i got curious about the kobbie so i tracked her down and found these forums :p
[Excal](hib)Charonel TheTraitor, Level 41 Mana Eldritch.

Que insanely long list of alts >HERE< :)

2002-12-22 09:19:17  -  Re: Alinda
Hmm, interesting :)

Alinda is one of my alts, and she is a kobbie, but she hasn't been in Uppland recently.

I haven't played her much lately, and she's only level 18, so I don't have much business there yet :)

I'm not aware of any players with similar names either, so I don't know who you gave a near death experience, but it certainly wasn't me ;)

2002-12-22 15:08:00  -  Re: Alinda
strange, was only last night too, about 5am gmt, xping on some of the lowlvl mobs in uppland (you know the REALLY low lvl one's near the gates).

sure someone doesnt have access to your account?
[Excal](hib)Charonel TheTraitor, Level 41 Mana Eldritch.

Que insanely long list of alts >HERE< :)

2002-12-23 09:50:03  -  Re: Alinda
Nope, nobody else plays on my account..
Also, according to the guild XML file Alinda hasn't been online the last 3 days or more ;)

2002-12-23 16:25:56  -  Re: Alinda
mmm, very wierd, i was sure the name was alinda, and like you say, no other kobbies with a name like it :)

gonna have to stop mixing drinks I think :D

on another note, upon reading more of this site i've seen that your guild played a decent part inthe sneak relic attack, so please tell your members, if you see an elven eldritch running towards you in uppland and he sees which guild your from, you are all KOS! :)

and btw, we WILL get our relics back, just so ya know :)
[Excal](hib)Charonel TheTraitor, Level 41 Mana Eldritch.

Que insanely long list of alts >HERE< :)

2002-12-23 16:32:47  -  Re: Alinda
You're welcome to try..
I'm sure you'll succeed sooner or later :)

2002-12-23 19:32:37  -  Re: Alinda
But not in the near future! :D

2002-12-26 06:38:39  -  Re: Alinda
Just a matter of time be4 u get tired of trying and take albs instead :)
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker

2002-12-27 03:16:29  -  Re: Alinda
Tell your fellow Hibbies it was a nice try to raid at 4 AM without taking any keeps. Not good enough though ;)

Oh, how did you like the relic door that I personally got to level 10? (or level 41 according to the game, weird bugs)
I see you scratched it, any idea how much that paint costs? ;)

2002-12-27 03:22:12  -  Re: Alinda
aw marcel you are evul

2003-01-12 20:10:59  -  Re: Alinda
well i wasnt there on the nighttime relic raid a while back, dont know why but I (and most of hib) seem to have a strange dislike of relic raiding when the majority of the server is sleeping, seems a little unsportsmanship tbh, and kinda ruins things for those who have to work for a living etc...

some hibs however, seemed to feel different :(, well good luck to them i guess, if they WANT a server where the meaningfull RVR all takes place at 4am then that's their thing i guess, i'll just kinda laugh when they start whining in a few months time because they can't hold onto a relic for more than a few days because someone just takes it back at 4am when there's no defenders :).

personally relic raids aren't that big a deal for me, i get most rvr fun from normal keep raiding and defense anyway, relics only play a small role in the game for me personally, but those doors sound NASTY! :D
[Excal](hib)Charonel TheTraitor, Level 41 Mana Eldritch.

Que insanely long list of alts >HERE< :)

2003-01-13 07:13:53  -  Re: Alinda
Well this level 41, is a real sport, nice to know there are still people like this ^^
Only users lose drugs.