Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » A story for your pleasure, the Skald and the Minstrels duel

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2002-12-18 23:48:07  -  A story for your pleasure, the Skald and the Minstrels duel
A (in my perspective) not so nice but very, uhmm, teaching experience. It happened when I was on a trip in the Hibernia Frontier area called Emain Mancha. Tho this did happen a while ago, even before i reached my 40th season.

Me being confedent that I could outrun any and all enemies i came across because of my lovely speed song had the (dumb?) idea of going to one of the frontier castles and wait for an opponent of similar strength to my own.

Needless to say I walked to the Midgard Mile Fort and when I left it behind I congradulated myself with not encontering any high level enemies. So I took a little rest and started the next part of my journey. First i headed towards Dun Crauchon, since the keep was not Midgards hands at that time I thought it wise not to get to close.

The second part of the journey I headed to the tower near the Albion Mile Fort, which is called Dakkon's Tower for reasons unknown to me. When I arrived there I was pleased to see that no enemies were present there, or so I thought. I just could not see the enemy....

But he (I do not recall him name) made his presence known soon enough. Out of the blue I was got stunned by a blast of screatching music, fortunatly I resisted the blast and started to run away.
But as my song of speed kicked in so did his! And to my dismay he was faster, not much but just a bit since he had at least 48 seasons and probably 50. It was enough and he closed in fast. By the time I had already run 1/4 of the way back to the Midgard Mile Fort, when I heard a mesmerizing chant comming from behind me. This time I could not resist and I stopped running and standed still to listen.

Not for long, when the minstrel was close to me he uttered two devastating shouts at me and treid to draw his weapons to kill me. I however was in the mood for good music and sang a song to him so beautifull that this time he stood and listened. I ran away....

After not to long I lost sight of the minstrel and sat down to rest, by that time I had run 3/4 of the way back to the Midgard Mile Fort.
But luck was at that time not at my side, or rather I was a bit stupid. I had run away in a straight line and very persistant the minstrel ran in the way I did run away. And he found me again! As he approged I quickly got up my feet and shouted a roar to him so fearfull that his legs could not run anymore and he slowed down. And again I ran away, and again he began chasing me, slowed as he was he did not give up.

And as we both ran he got at me just when I wanted to run through the Midgard Mile Fort. Seeing the minstrel so close behind me I turned and tried to mesmerize him again, I failed and had no other choice but to fight him.
Four deafning and damgeging shouts and a couple of blows on both sides and all was over.

I was dead, but probably after the longest escape try in all history :D

2002-12-20 12:08:16  -  Re: A story for your pleasure, the Skald and the Minstrels duel
What can I say? Minstrels are annoying.. Just when you think you've bot them beat, they run away so fast that even instant lightning doesn't help, or they've stalled enough to bring in the calvary (read: at least 3FG of albs)

Oh well :/

2002-12-27 03:38:19  -  Re: A story for your pleasure, the Skald and the Minstrels duel
wow.. is that a story or what??
Dalekon I salute you, it's a tragedy worthy of the favor of Bragi...
we should all drink a tankard of mead while you sing it to us some day... will be grateful to hear when you put it to music :)