Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » Can someone please help a newbie?

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2002-12-09 20:37:30  -  Can someone please help a newbie?
A friend of mine just gave me a second (but empty) DAoC account, and i wonder how to make the best use of having two accunts and two computers to run them on.

I dont know much about power levelling, and i have no idea what chars would work good together..

I want to try and level either a pair of new chars as fast as possible, or to level one of my two main chars (skald 32, cave shammie 24) by the help of the new account. Is there anyone who can please give me some advise on how to profit from this second account?

2002-12-10 09:42:36  -  Re: Can someone please help a newbie?
well you can of course make buff bots :)
people do it all the time, i think it's a bit cheesy, but i can't deny it's a good way to powerlvl yourself :)
you can either lvl an aug shammy and buff yourself to heaven, or make a darkness runie for über dmg add... note though that darkness runies, according to the majority of the guild, are pretty damn useless when you don't use them for buffing and bubbling. due to cold damage. oh well i won't go into that here :)
anyways the most used method i think is to make a group between your pl-intended character and your shaman as long as you want the shaman to lvl. after that, you can just ungroup them, the shaman won't get xp, but she'll give buffs and dmg add/shield anyway.

2002-12-10 21:12:40  -  Re: Can someone please help a newbie?
Thanks for the nice answer.

Sounds interresting with the runie.. Think i'll try to level one. If the rest of the guild turns out to be right about how much he suck as anything than a buffbot, I guess i can always respec him later on :-)

2002-12-11 11:16:48  -  Re: Can someone please help a newbie?
You a Newbie Mr Death; never!
I am now back online after my move and intend to play as much as possible so I'll be around if you need company. I also have Knotty Toohotti who's a level 38 healer, might help you out ( although I'm not sure how to play a healer so I'll need to learn).
Anyway give me a shout when I'm online, should be fun again :-)
Poppet (Thane) Level 50
Popsey (Shaman) level 28
Popz (Evil SB) Level 18

2002-12-11 14:05:04  -  Re: Can someone please help a newbie?
better not ask me Poppet, i'm apparently

"the worst healer in existance" - Some lvl 50 runie who kicked me from an RvR group for not having Pom2

Hehe, being a healer is simple. Just follw these rules

1. If more than one mob comes, target extra mob and mash the Mez button untill mob stops moving

2. If mob is in melee target mob and mash the Stun, Attack speed debuff button

3. If a player is low on health target the player and mash the Heal button (i suggest you use the stronger baseline heal, it does a respecable ammount of health regain chews very little mana compared to the larger ones and has a nice effect at lvl 50 ^_^)

4. If a player is dead target his corpse and mash the Rez button

5. If a large number of enemy players are coming mash the Area effect (AE) mez button

6. If a large number of enemy players are in melee mash the Area Effect (AE) stun button

7. If a caster tells you to give him a Purity, tell him to wait till you've finished uber buffing the tanks then if you feel generous you MIGHT give him one

8. Tell people /sending for res calls in stupid places

"Im in Uppland, Plz Come Res Me"
"But i'm in Huginfel"
"Sorry, ask sombody else"
"Fucking Lamer, Do Your Fucking Job!!"
"Wow, nice vocabulary. you steal that off a 3yr old?"
"Gee, and i was about to take pity and come res you. Oh well, you lost your chance"

I've had similar conversations to that from a number of people that expect me to go miles out of my way to res them ^_^

9. Have fun, if you ain't having fun do somthing else

10. If a group gives you shit for some reason leave, you can always find another group but they WILL have trouble finding another healer ^_^

Wow, my worldly advice fits into 10 points. Well thats all i know about healing (well the basic stuff anyway) actually number 11, and possibly the biggest RvR lifesaver

11. Always, and i mean ALWAYS have your group run buff running even if its over-lapped by a skald/runie it'l still be active so if you get out fo range you still have a slight advantage over whoevers chasing you (as long as its not a speed class)

But yeah, second accounts can really only be used for 2things

Buffbots and Cross realm spying (4 extra slots doesn't really count as a use) i'd suggest a buffbot, because lets be honest everyone hates a Cross realmer (Spy, normal Cross realmers that respect the fact that its a game and keep quiet about important RvR stuff are nice people ^_^)
Edited by Archeon on 2002-12-11 14:08:25

2002-12-11 22:24:00  -  Re: Can someone please help a newbie?
Hiya Poppet :-)) I missed you around here- and yep - hope we can have fun soon :-)

I made a SB using my shaman neutrino (who's unfortunately not Aug specced) as a buff bot.. lvl 17 in 16 played hours of pure soloing, so not too bad i think.

I think i'm going to experiment with healer/spiritmaster combination.. Could be very nice to have my own 2 man pbae group. Don't know yet if its too hard to play for me with my 10 thumbs though.

And yep, I agree that cross realm spying is lame - besides, who'd want a char on either Hibernia or Avalon? pffffffft certainly not me :-D