Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » The end of Jimli

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Thread started by Thorarin New Messages  

2002-11-20 07:59:55  -  The end of Jimli
Jimli has deleted all his characters and is closing his account. While it may be good business for Shaniah, it's a sad day for Midgard on the whole to see such a well known player go..

Just thought I'd mention it, of course we all already went to Shan for our items, right? ;)


2002-11-21 20:01:40  -  Re: The end of Jimli
<hides his 100% 2h hammer under the table>

umm.. yes, shan... ^_^

2002-11-21 20:32:57  -  Re: The end of Jimli
How STUPID... i wuld have traded him accounts, then he culd dleete my chars if he wanted too :/
Elasto - 50 Healer
Eek - 42 BD
Ananwan - 25 Wizard
Arrw - 25 ValeWalker

2002-11-21 21:04:55  -  Re: The end of Jimli
It's not stupid, I can understand his reasoning. Thorarin has pretty high AC, but I wouldn't trade that account either, at least not with characters intact.

2002-11-24 22:32:07  -  Re: The end of Jimli
Yeah, i don't really like the idea of trading accounts.

1. the person might be a jack-ass and ruin your reputation as a nice guy, even if you take your account back the dmg would be done

2. If your account gets traded enough times its details are bound to get out eventually.

3. people put effort into their characters and giving them away is tough (i gave away MIR 'Archeon' to a friend becuase they had been hacked, ofcourse she wasn't too pleased because i'd given all my stuff away to noobs ^_^)