Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » It could be goodbye

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Thread started by Nausea New Messages  

2002-09-29 20:27:01  -  It could be goodbye
Hi guys well were do i start! 1) Im moving and the house im moving to needs alot of work doing to it so im not going to be around that much. 2) It's a more expensive property we r moving to so money is going to be tight for abit too so im keeping my cam account but we r not having the internet for awhile, well mybe for 3 months until we know that we can afford it. So i wanna thank u all for being the BEST guild in Midgard (note the spelling is correct for all of u out there) and i hope to be back asap if i can.

2002-09-29 21:18:07  -  Re: It could be goodbye
:( ok
well... really hope to see you again, too
there's a lot of fun to be had yet here ;)

2002-09-29 22:02:54  -  Re: It could be goodbye
Hope it all goes well m8, cya soon

2002-09-29 22:03:39  -  Re: It could be goodbye
I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck on the whole moving thing, I hope it all works out.

2002-09-29 22:32:06  -  Re: It could be goodbye
I can't really say anything the others haven't already said. Hope to see you soon Nolder.
Phlegm the Healer
Shouting "Who broke mez?" in a fight near you

2002-09-29 23:48:22  -  Re: It could be goodbye
"You cant leave me now baby!!"
Eeek sad news again again.... Hope ya will come back to us mate, without a Nolder what should we do then? :P
Good Luck with yer house mate.
"Ey! Where's my gold in my vault?:| - Vault guy stole it!!"

2002-09-30 19:23:09  -  Re: It could be goodbye
aaaww.. Nolder.. ;( we will miss you soo much :(
please try to get back online.. tiwaz will not be the same without you...
but anyway have fun with moving and good luck with yer housemate :) and remember to take care :)

Guild Nanny
Find me on facebook: www.facebook.com/ditte.solsoe

2002-09-30 22:15:12  -  Re: It could be goodbye
aww mate just wont be the same without you,
hurry up back so I can beat you to 42,43, 44, etc :-)
Best of luck to you and Verity with the move etc.
Good luck with the new job too
Poppet (Thane) Level 50
Popsey (Shaman) level 28
Popz (Evil SB) Level 18

2002-10-02 07:59:39  -  Re: It could be goodbye
Things maybe looking up ive been waiting for the time when the net is to be cut off here but as such nothing has happened! What i think it is is my GF who i live with wants me to spend more time with her, so i have been doing that and all has been quiet on the western front. But the new house is coming along but needs more work so ill be there alot so my time on cam will not be as much.

2002-10-05 17:42:36  -  Re: It could be goodbye
This is it Monday is the day my net get turned off for 3 months :(, Hopefuly ill be adding to the site from my work but as for playing it's a big no no. Ive tried not to be on much as nolder is coming up to 50 ill give him that big push when i come back. Thank u all for having me in the guild.

Miss u all Nolder!

2002-10-05 20:21:55  -  Re: It could be goodbye
Miss U too loads matey
Make sure you come back soon.
Poppet (Thane) Level 50
Popsey (Shaman) level 28
Popz (Evil SB) Level 18