Tiwaz's Emissaries » The Weary Traveller's Inn » I won't be around much

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Thread started by Phlegm New Messages  

2002-09-23 14:43:52  -  I won't be around much
You won't see much of me for a while. A nasty combination of work, returning to university and my computer suddenly turning into a large pile of poo have conspired to ensure that my DAoC playing is either going to be nonexistant, or will have a very, very low framerate.

See you all soon, how soon is anyone's guess. :-(
Phlegm the Healer
Shouting "Who broke mez?" in a fight near you

2002-09-23 18:16:30  -  Re: I won't be around much
:-( Get well soon, well your comp at least :-)
Ben Britton 19 Workaholic

2002-09-24 02:13:08  -  Re: I won't be around much
It's developed an amusing new trick now. It reboots everytime I change zone. Think it might be time for Mr. Format to meet Mr. Drive.
Phlegm the Healer
Shouting "Who broke mez?" in a fight near you

2002-09-25 09:18:40  -  Re: I won't be around much
Aslong u are here sometimes will be good mate :P
"Ey! Where's my gold in my vault?:| - Vault guy stole it!!"

2002-09-25 17:29:37  -  Re: I won't be around much
yeah keep in touch...
looking forward to when you're back ingame a little more again :)

2002-09-25 20:37:24  -  Re: I won't be around much
Well, my computer's well again. Unfortunately, I'm sitting in work right now. Seems the world is conspiring against my efforts to get Phlegm to level 28 :-(
Phlegm the Healer
Shouting "Who broke mez?" in a fight near you

2002-09-26 09:16:39  -  Re: I won't be around much
hmm 28 huh :)
perhaps we should make a nice group with you sometime, i have a lvl 28... would take thorarin and tarrasque to cooperate though

2002-09-26 11:23:02  -  Re: I won't be around much
Gah, I've been trying to get you two to play Lupa and Felis for the last couple of weeks :P

We'd need a bunch of tanks though, with 2 healers and 2 SBs :)

Skiro, Haponox, anyone? ;)